Involvement Theater

Staff Development


Integrating Creative Drama || Theater Games Workshop for grades 6-12

Using Creative Drama to
Integrate the Arts into the General Curriculum

This workshop explores the use of creative drama in getting staff to integrate the performing arts into the general curriculum.  The workshop will include a description, demonstration, application and evaluation of the
creative drama process as it relates to school curricula and staff related issues.

List of Possible Issues:

Workshop Goals:

Workshop Objectives:

Participants will be able to:

General Guidelines for Teachers:



Teaching Problem-Solving skills through Creative Drama and Theater Games: Grades 6-12

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1. Participants will demonstrate the use of the problem-solving steps that will help resolve personal and social dilemmas they experience

2. Participants will solve a character problem through improvisational drama

3. Participants will use theater games as the tools for developing drama scenes

4. Participants will develop and perform creative drama scenes that reinforce problem-solving strategies

5. Participants will learn the basic skills for creative drama activities

6. Staff will be able to use the handbook for follow-up activities and reinforcement of the problem-solving and creative drama strategies



Focus: Point of concentration

A. Group cooperation and sense of belonging

B. Listening and following directions

C. Respect of personal space and rights

D. Brainstorming ideas, interpretation, expression & imagination

E. Mutual support to each group member

F. Lack of cooperation results in removal from the group


Review Ground Rules:

A. Respect space, hands to oneself

B. Listen to directions and to other participants, concentration

C. Memorize the problem-solving steps and values concerns

D. Use your imagination and be creative thinkers

E. Cooperate with your group or partner


1. Give name, with made up identity name, with body movement; have everyone repeat action; continue around circle

2. Dance to music; wear special hat; copy leader

3. Moving on circle, copying motion in front of you, follow the leader, speed up, slow down, high, low, keep simple

4. Circle drill: clapping, electricity, two at one time

5. Red Light, Green Light: freeze, concentration: Make up leader and follower roles (e.g.: bully, picked on; lifeguard, swimmers)

6. I Am A Magician: leader gives others an animal, color and feeling

7. Adding An Activity: make a scene using activity focus

8. Face Dancing: to music move face, change focus on feelings

9. Facial movements: explode, implode

10. Shake-down, Relax, Point of Concentration

11. Moving around room through different environments (beach, city street) and changing physical characteristics (tall, small)

12. Stationary sculptures: focus on feeling and concentration

13. Gibberish: expression

14. Mirroring: controlled motion

15. Changing three things: observation

16. Group Singing: Blues Line "If I Tell You My Problem..."

17. Building Machines; breakdown; repairman (smaller groups)

18. Conducting: use sounds to imitate movement of conductor; choose coordinated sounds

19. Conversations: choose theme, partners talk and listen; share

20. Family Meeting: Discussing upcoming event (birthday, picnic)

21. Statues: select emotions, become characters



1. Respect similarities and differences

2. Understanding and controlling feelings



Rubinstein, Alan; Miller, Karen. The problem-solving project handbook, 1992.  Involvement Theater, Inc.

Spolin, Viola.  Theater games for the classroom. NW University Press, 1986.

Compiled by Alan Rubinstein, Director; Involvement Theater, Inc.