Involvement Theater

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Check out our three great programs designed to get your alan in characterstudents involved with Involvement Theater! The Problem-Solving Project and Maestro’s Musical Mission are designed to teach problem-solving, making healthy choices, social action skills and musical appreciation for grades PreK through 12. Books on Stage involves the student in a participatory music theater program that brings books and characters alive! The program encourages the media specialist and counselor to provide input and participation.

Get to Know IT

Involvement Theater Inc®. is a non-profit organization approved by the Maryland State Arts Council's Artists in Education Program, the National Endowment of the Arts, and Drug Free Schools Programs. Its programs are successfully used as in-school assemblies, residencies, staff in-service, after school programs and for educational conferences. Maryland AIE funds may be available - contact IT for details

Alan Rubinstein, a certified public school teacher, has directed Involvement Theater Inc.® since 1987. Mr. Rubinstein has 30 years of experience as a teacher, youth advisor and performer. He is a graduate of Oberlin Conservatory of Music (BM) and Towson University (MA). He is active in many educational associations

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© 2020 Involvement Theater Inc.


“Seeing students who rarely, if ever, raise their hands and participate in front of their peers enthusiastically doing so, was most impressive.”
Joe Noone: Counselor and SGA Advisor, Baltimore County, MD Public Schools

“The situations were very appropriate and students could easily relate.  The characters were attention getting and exciting.  The pre and post activities were beneficial in making the performance relevant.” Alma Savoy; Elementary School Guidance Counselor; Prince George’s County Public Schools

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